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Northwest Grain Growers Inc from Wallula, WA. Company specialized in: Grain Elevator.
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State Stories , Market Data Provided by Bushel , China is opening the door to GMO crops where they had banned and demonized them for decades prior. , Teh rate for cereals is something like $2.80/bushel, so, it should keep any RUS grain from coming in (legally). , It's a good thing for markets that are running out of business to chase after, but it doesn't swat away the notion that RUS sellers won't do it again if they need to. , There was a story going around yesterday that RUS wheat prices had come up for the first time in several weeks, leading to the general idea that a market bottom had been plumbed for the moment. , Daily Morning Commentary , The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meets today for their monthly pow-wow. , So, the EU is putting tariffs on RUS grains and oilseeds IF they're being brought into the EU - not if they're passing through the EU. , Real early this morning wheat futures markets shot up almost a dime but have settled back down as the bulk of traders have gotten to work and assessed the mess. , The also threw in Belarus, which is it's own separate nation, but not really. , Macro markets are watching, but the consensus is still for a longer span of no interest rate changes before any lowering occurs.